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Teaching and Speaking

Talks, panel discussions, short and long courses are an important form of knowledge sharing. See below for my most recent talks and courses- and get in touch if you'd like me to speak at your event or design a course.

Teaching/Speaking: Portfolio

University Courses and Programs

I have developed and taught several courses in museum studies, arts management, film and television and communication. 

Cultural Leadership, New Technologies

Masters in Arts and Cultural Management,

Universidad Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.


Museum Learning and Public Programs

Curatorship: Museum Exhibitions

Masters of Museums StudiesDepartment of Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage Management (MMCM),

University of Balamand, Beirut, Lebanon 


Diversity Matters: New Challenges for the Art Museum of the Future

ZAK NRW (Future Academy NRW), Kunstammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen

Dusseldorf, Germany


Spark! Introduction to Documentary

8 modules

National Film and Video Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa



I am available to teach a class or a course for students at all levels. 


Most of my talks have centered around my books, as well as subjects I feel strongly about. 

Talks include

‘Museums need a Makeover’, Graduate School of Architecture, University of Johannesburg, Feb. 2020

'Museums as Safe Places', 2nd meeting for the Mediation of Knowledge and Scientific Culture, Ciencia Viva, Lisbon, Portugal, February 4 2020

Contagious Cities, Culture and Cause Workshop, Wellcome Trust, Workshop Facilitation, London, 2019

“Museums and Soft Power” Conference on Soft Power, India Foundation with USC Centre on Public Diplomacy and Nalanda University, New Delhi, India, December 17-19 2018 (see blog)

" Are we still up-to-date, a change of perspective as a program" Panel Discussion with Yilmaz Dziewior, 21 November 2018, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Germany (see blog)

“Can Museums be Better Neighbours” Placemaking Week, Amsterdam, October 11-14 2017

“Power of Museums” Keynote,  Austrian Museum Day 2017, ICOM Austria, Steyr, Museum Arbeitswelt! October12, 2017

“Museums and Soft Power” Keynote with Gail Lord at California Association of Museums 2017 AGM: Influence and Action, March 28 2017

“Soft Power, Storage and Digital Place-making”, International Museum Construction Congress, Amsterdam, November 13-15 2016

“Activating the Soft Power of Cities and Museums”, ILPVAM - International Leadership Program in Visual Arts Management, November 7 2016 The University of Deusto, Spain New York University, USA; The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain

“Culture: The Key to Urban Soft Power”, Urban Soft Power, Colloque AMCV (l’Association du Management de Centre-Ville), Mons, Belgium, September 2016

“Renewable Energy, the Culture of Stewardship and Soft Power” 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers), Vienna May 2016

‘The Soft Power Nudge” Museum Next, Dublin, April 19, 20 2016

“Soft Power Destinations”, Art for Tomorrow: Technology, Creativity and the City, March 12-15 2016, Doha, Qatar

“How new infrastructures and dedicated cultural districts create a local and international rebirth?” Panel- Investing in Culture: Social and Business Impacts, Thinkers and Doers, Bahrain, January 19th 2016

“Cities, Museums and Soft Power: A Look at London”; British Library, October 15 2015

“Cities, Museums and Soft Power”, Soul City, Rising Architecture Festival, September 17 2015, Copenhagen

“Cities, Museums and Soft Power”, Johannesburg, July 23, 2015

"How Your Can Activate the Soft Power of your Museum" TEDX Hamburg, June 22 2015

"Cities, Museums, and Soft Power": Big Cities, Big Ideas Lecture Series, Toronto, April 30, 2015

"London-Johannesburg-Dubai: A three-part story of Healing through Museums", American Alliance for Museums AGM, April 27 2015

"Cities, Museums and Soft Power", United Cities and Local Government Culture Summit, March 2015, Bilbao, Spain

"Activating the Past in the Present", Heritage 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, February 2015

"‘Words That Heal’: Lessons from the Al Maktoum Hospital Museum’s pop-up exhibition" Museum Next, 18 - 20 June 2014, Newc astle Gateshead, UK-  

 “Supporting New Urban Cultures of Stewardship through Cultural Planning and strong Cultural Institutions.” World Culture Forum, Bali, Indonesia, November 2013

“Parliamo di Scienza: Bergamo, l’Italia, il mundo” roundtable, Bergamoscienza, 2013

 “From representation to engagement: Making space for black people in the new museums’: Black Portraitures: The Black Body in the West Conference, Paris, January 17-20 2013. Organized by Deborah Willis, on behalf of Henry Louis Gates Jr. Manthia Diawara, Lydi Diakhaté, Awam Amkpa, Cheryl Finley, and Jean-Paul Colleyn.

“Tomorrow’s Museum: A catalyst and incubator for innovation?” Session Chair, American Association of Museums AGM, Houston, Texas, May 2011

“Why Culture Changes”, Position as Desired: Symposium on Artistic Practice and African Diasporic Communities in Canada, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada, March 2011

“Cultural Tourism and Creativity: Meeting the Needs of the 21st Century Cultural Traveler”, Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia annual conference, Halifax, December 2010

“Developing an Urban Model for Responsible Tourism: The Case of the Kliptown Open Air Museum” Presentation at International Institute of Peace through Tourism Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, 2004

“The AIDS Museum as a Centre of Dialogue and Activism” Presentation at ‘Conceptualising the AIDS Museum’, University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, November 2004

“Making Space for the Invisible: Heritage and Interpretation in Urban Development” Presentation at the Heritage Lekgotla, Constitution Hill, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 2005.

Teaching/Speaking: Service
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